In Progress
Elevated Storage Tank Maintenance
EHRWSD currently operates and maintains eleven elevated storage tanks with a total capacity of 1,650,000 gallons of water. Each elevated tank is drained and inspected at least once every five years in order to determine maintenance needs. Tank maintenance includes interior and exterior painting as well as structural changes to meet OSHAA safety requirements.
Life expectancies of interior and exterior coating range from ten to twenty years depending on the quality of workmanship. EHRWSD contracts with a third-party to assure that contractors perform their work according to the paint supplier’s specifications. In 2022, Tank 0A, at our US 23 Water Treatment Plant, will receive a complete sand blast with exterior paint, and miscellaneous repairs at a construction cost of $267,700.
Recently Completed
Morris Salem Road and Ludwig Dresbach Road Waterline Replacement
Due to an increasing frequency of water main breaks on Morris Salem and Ludwig Dresbach Roads, EHRWSD completed the replacement of approximately 9,500 linear feet of waterline in this area. This project was completed in two phases.
In 2020, Phase I replaced 5,100 feet of waterline from 25627 Morris Salem Road heading south to 26535 Ludwig Dresbach Road. The cost of Phase I was $234,881.
In 2021, Phase II replaced 3,400 feet of waterline from 6705 Ludwig Dresbach Road heading east to 26049 Morris Salem Road. The cost of Phase 2 was $207,000.
River Dr. Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Mechanical Construction was the low bid and awarded the project in late 2018. Site work started in the first week of March 2019 and is now progressing at a steady pace. Crews are currently working on underground piping and excavation for sludge tanks and clarifiers.
Work continues during the Summer of 2019 on the influent screening structure, oxidation ditch, and sludge press building. The project is approximately 40% complete as of August. Three members of the Board of Trustees visited the site in early August.
Enjoy a short video from September 2019 reflecting the progress of the expansion project.
May 2020 Update: This short video details the progress through the end of May 2020.
Village of Stoutsville: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation
Earlier this Spring of 2020, EHRWSD assessed numerous manholes in the Village of Stoutsville for corrosion to the concrete walls caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. This assessment revealed that twenty manholes required rehabilitation. In April of 2020, these manholes were cleaned and rehabbed using an epoxy coating on the interior surface of each manhole. The long term benefits of this project are to rebuild the structural integrity of the manhole and reduction/elimination of ground water infiltration flowing to the nearby pump station, a reduction in energy costs and an increase in the life expectancy of the equipment. The cost of this project was nearly $40,000.
Village of Tarlton: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation
EHRWSD assessed numerous manholes in the Village of Tarlton to determine the potential to allow ground and surface water infiltration. In 2018, twenty manholes will be rehabbed using an epoxy coating on the interior surface of each manhole. The long term benefits of this project are a reduction/elimination of ground and surface water infiltration flowing to the nearby pump station, a reduction in energy costs and an increase in the life expectancy of the equipment. The estimated cost of this project is $50,000.
Emergency Water Connection – Phase II
In 2017, EHRWSD completed Phase I of its emergency water source connection to the City of Circleville by installing a new 14” water main along Wacker Drive. Phase II, set to begin in March 2020, will transfer new water services from the old water main to the new water main. The work will include the installation of new water services across Wacker Drive from the car wash south towards the former Spinners building. The old water main will be abandoned and two fire hydrants tied to the old water main will be removed. Brief water outages will be coordinated with each business along the route. One lane two way traffic will available and access to all businesses will be provided during the work.
Tarlton Road Service Line Relocation
EHRWSD is taking efforts to remove leak-prone waterlines from service. A section of waterline located on the south side of Tarlton Road has a history of leaks and is nearly 50 years old. In 2018, water services on Tarlton Road between Morris Salem Road and Ringgold Southern Road will be relocated to a larger waterline on the north side of the road. New connections for the Morris Salem Road and SR 56 waterlines will also be required in order to take the old waterline out of service. The estimated cost of this project is $85,000.
Pittsburgh Road Waterline Extension
This project will extend the 12” diameter waterline on Pittsburgh Road from Duroc Street 2,400 feet east, and connect to the existing 8” diameter waterline on Owens Road. This extension will complete a loop which will eliminate two dead ends, improve hydraulics, and provide redundancy to the industries on Pittsburgh Road. The estimated cost of this project is $200,000.
Contact Nathan Anderson at 740-474-3114 ext 123 if you have any questions about these projects.